The Wyatt's

The Wyatt's

Friday, December 12, 2008

Meet Ervin Johnathan Wyatt

Ervin was born yesterday at about 1:30
7 Pounds 4 ounces
20 inches long
More pictures to follow

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Evie's Baptism

We now a have new member of the church in our household. Evie was baptised and confirmed a member yesterday, she seems so happy and has as of yet, not managed to get herself into any trouble.

Evie says "I was happy and excited about my baptism, it felt good when i went into the water. My Dad baptized me and confirmed me a member of the church and gave me the gift of the Holy Ghost. Grandpa Burkhardt, Grandma Wyatt, and the Bishop spoke about how they remember there baptism day very well. i felt the spirit when i got the Holy Ghost. He made me feel happy & excited. i know that Jesus died for me, he loves me, and made it possible for me to live with him again, if i keep the commandments, and i know that i did the right thing when i was baptized"

Friday, November 21, 2008

Due Date

It's official, on 12-12-2008, Melissa booked herself a luxurious suite at Jordan Valley Hospital, we hear the accommodations for babies and women in labor can't be beat.

AKA we are scheduled to induce on that day.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Family, love them or leave them

okay so i have been up since 4:30 am, why i don't know, i used to stay up all hours of the night, and sleep in till noon, gone are those days, but i guess waking up early has it's advantages too, what they are right now, i don't know, i am tired, but not enough to go back to bed, besides the kids will probably be up soon, we have a baby's room to complete, a house to clean and a nap to take somewhere in the afternoon, as we have a certain 8 year old's birthday party today.

So Family?

Why is it that you have a so called "loving parent" knock the crap (litterly) out of there teenage child and then accuse that adult child's spouse of doing the same thing?

Why is that a parent can ask for "brutal honesty" then turn around and rip there children a new one for doing exactly what they ask.

Why is it that there are imperfect- perfect families out there?

Why is it that i am rambling on?

Why is it that i have a insane desire to be up this early?

Why is it that i post?

Why is it that i know my brother Robert will later today say casually "you shouldn't put stuff like that on your blog, because once it's on the Internet it's always on the Internet"

Why is it that i don't release names of every not so good choice makers that i know?

Why is it that short of briefly airing my griefs that i don't just lay into these family members who make bad choices, even though i know that given the chance they would do this to me?

Why is it that i hate and like my job all at the same time?

Why is it that someone who's made poor choices can't just simply be forgiven?

Why is it that some people don't understand the difference between forgiving and forgetting, and forgiving but not forgetting?

Why is it that 1 parent finally grows up when you grow up, but the other does not?

Why is it that everyone who reads this is going to read more into it then they should?

Why is it that people will immediately start assuming they know who i am talking about, when for all they know it has nothing to do with them?

Why is it that one shows there love by saying "i love you all the time" while the other one only wants to show it and does a pretty poor job at it?

Why is it that there are so many "why is it's"?

Here's what i do know, or at least think i know.

1. Love your God
2. Love your Spouse
3. Love your Children
4. Set the example
5. Love your family despite there faults
6. Know when to say i love you but i can't be around you anymore
7. Know when to not repeat the sins of your parents
8. Know when to follow there example
9. Realise that we are not all perfect
10. Seek the good in everyone, even if you don't think they have any, because they always do.
11. Be the parent you always wanted to have.
12. Teach your children well (i think there is a song that says that)
13. Never where a white shirt to church as there the ones that always get the major callings, i.e. bishops, stake presidents etc.
14. Never threaten to kill yourself and blame your children for it, because no matter what they do it's not there fault.
15. Don't ask for "brutal honesty" if you really don't want it.
16. Always love music, it makes you smarter.
17. Always get up at 4:30 in the morning and blog
18. Never text someone at 3:50 in the morning unless it's a emergency, and if it's not a emergency it must mean you want to be the emergency.
19. Never get epilepsy, because it hurts when you hit the floor, even if you don't know it hurt till later.
20. Give praise to those you love, and to those you see who are the imperfect-perfect examples of what you want to be, and say there name's "Evie, Timothy, J.D. Melissa. The Heindels, The Fidels, The Lukers, Mae Shaw, The Burkhardts, Mom, Robert, Neil, Brian, Andrea, Arae, etc. etc. etc. why because they can teach you something, How to be a better person.
21. Know when to say, Robert I'm sorry that i put it on the Internet knowing that it will stay on the Internet.
22. Know when to say Evie it's okay to be a cannibal if and only if you are stuck on a mountain pass in the middle of winter and there's nothing else to eat, or not, Gross!!
23. Know when to stop blogging. I think it's time!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Accountable or A Cannibal? That is the question


A Cannibal

Which one is Evie?
Evie says Cannibal when she means accountable, think goodness on 11-11 she will actually be accountable, not a cannibal. So for 3 more days, i guess she can live it up! and she is definitely doing that! She seems to be getting excited for baptism, December 6th at 10:00 AM is the current plan!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

And the name of the baby is...........

Finally it's been decided

Ervin Johnathan Wyatt

Ervin - Named after my grandfather-English for Friend. (also boar & Green water, we like friend better!)
Johnathan - Named after Melissa's father (sort of) - Hebrew for Gift of God.
Wyatt - If you don't know where that came from, you had better get with it! English-Brave & Strong

So in a little less then 2 months we will welcome little Ervin to the world!

We appreciate all who voted, But Ervin who wasn't even on the list won out! Johnathan made it though!


I found this old picture, if you can't tell the one in the middle is me. I love Disneyland!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Okay so it's T's turn, T and i have a tendency to clash, while him and his mother for the most part get along real well. He is a very sensitive little boy, Last night we where at Grandma's house, Timothy decided he was hungry and stole a cookie, when we found out, we asked him to apologize to Grandma, he immediately burst into tears, and no one could understand what he was saying, when we finally got him calmed down and could understand what he was saying, he apologised to his Grandma, he had everyone sympathy's by then, with most forgetting that he did something he shouldn't of.

Timothy tells me all the time that he hates me, because i used to spank him. He has trouble understanding the purpose of punishment, all he knows is that someone must not love him if they punish him, and therefore he should hate them back. Now rather he means it, i don't know, Melissa says that he doesn't. Being the cruel and hateful parent that i am, we came to the understanding one day, that he will stop saying he hates me, in exchange for me continuing to feed him. I of course am kidding and no i would never starve my children, short of the occasional going to bed without dinner, due to naughty behavior. and yes "used to" is the truth when it comes to spanking him, it's been over a year, since i spanked him, he just can't seem to get it out of his head.

I have had more then 1 person say i am screwing him up, thanks everyone for the vote of confidence! Well explain to me how i can avoid this if the kid doesn't like me? I do spend time with him, which for the most part he doesn't want to do. He won a date night with Dad due to good behavior, and his comment was "Oh, I guess that's alright"

But on the other hand, he is very helpful with his mother, he is usually the first there, when Melissa says she needs help with something, and the first one to give her a hug. he tries to play with J.D. even if Evie tells him not to. He loves to share a room with J.D. you can hear them all the time giggling and playing, until of course Evie decides she needs to find someone to boss around. and he loves to hang with his parents, mostly his mother, he will just sit next to her and just talk away. If i am lucky we have a good conversation now and then, but it's rare.

He has been a little behind on his reading, but has improved quite a bit this year, and he gets really excited when he finishes a book and gets praise for it, and he deserves it, he has come along way.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Name

So how about Ervin Johnathan or Ervin Joshua Wyatt, any comments, as soon as the poll is up, I'll add these to the list, Melissa and i discussed these last night and we really like them.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


What are we going to do with this girl, she has been sent to the principle's 3 times now, last year for flooding a bathroom, this year for pulling a girl's ears, and then yesterday, she took upon herself to write 4 of what she thought where love letters to her friends in school, they all said "I love you, Kiss my A**" (and no the * was not part of the word she used) Let me make it absolutely clear that the only time Evie has heard that word come out of my mouth is when we have read it in the bible (you know another word for donkey). Melissa does have a bit of a potty mouth, but i don't remember her saying that either (j/k, well mostly!). Evie said that she heard it on the play ground, which doesn't surprise me either.

She must really like being in trouble, either that or has a serious crush on her principle!

I think Evie did put it best "i love my parents i just don't show it very well"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Late Night Blog

8:53 Pm

Okay so i am real serious about getting The best "Forgotten Carols" Seats i possibly can, i am pretty sure i can get the front row tickets on Friday 12-5-08. Because i have ordered online in the past, i usually get a presale notification, that provided i have the right password i can get tickets ahead of time, and almost always i have gotten great tickets. The catch is they go on sale at midnight tonight. So the plan is to make a serious attempt at being awake at midnight and on the website ready to order. in order to stay awake i plan on playing a little Pacman, and maybe perusing the Internet, staying away from the "You know" sites! This blog will contain my continued efforts to maintain brain functions until midnight. so if there is anything that offends anyone, don't be offended, i am just delirious!

9:19 PM

Why Pacman? Well that's just my latest craze i guess. Being a mostly '80's child i kind of enjoy spending time with things that where popular during the '80's. Who can forget Atari, Underoos and and movie classics such as "Goonies" & "Spaceballs" !

9:42 PM
So my thoughts are drifting to my work. (i hope i don't get sued for putting that on my blog!) Perhaps because i have another week ahead of me, perhaps, the mandatory overtime this week is irritating, as it's time spent away from my family. I hesitate to say anything, because you never know who may be reading, at work i have heard at times something to the extent of "If you don't like it you know where the door is" (doesn't that make you feel like your needed?) Which is why it's tough to say anything, you feel frustrated and burned out, but the money and the benefits is to good to just walk out the door. I keep saying that at some point i either need to move up or move out (meaning somewhere else in the company) but there seems to be no current opportunity to move up, and the only other things i am qualified to do out of the building i work in, requires a serious drop of pay, which of course i can't do, especially with the new house.
So now that my grip session is over, i guess i will just have to resign myself to the fact that tomorrow is another day, another week, and on and on and on. I know Boo Hoo, Pity Party for me!


An hour and a half to go.
And now on to my family,

boy i am off on everything tonight! i was thinking of the mother in law who accused me of beating my wife, the father in law that supports her (I won't include pictures of my inlaws, Pat will probably throw a fit, by just knowing i mentioned them in my blog) Sorry Rob, i know you recommended not saying anything about my inlaws, but there it is oh well.

Then there is the father, who i won't say much about, let's just say it's been a interesting 9 almost 10 months. My mother who is showing what a strong person she can be, my 3 brothers, 1 lost in California somewhere, and 2 close by.

We had dinner tonight, with everyone but my father and my brother in California. It's amazing to me the relationship we have now, we didn't exactly get along when we where growing up, but somehow now that we don't all live under the same roof, we get along quite well.

11:17 PM

I suppose i could say that i am really tired, but you probably know that.

I am sitting here looking at a bat, spider, and a really scary looking monster that J.D. has taken to calling Bob, (For some reason it doesn't scare him so much with a name like Bob) We just started pulling Halloween out this morning, and we have a living room full of Halloween decorations, can you believe it's that time of year again, my how time flies.

11:55 Pm

Almost time, i am going to be ticked if all of a sudden there is a web site problem or something, i better get good seats, because if i don't i am really going to be regretting it tomorrow! It shouldn't be a problem them, i have always been able to get order them at midnight!


Well it wasn't a friday night like i hoped, i got a tuesday night, front row center, but hey the concerts worth it!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Okay so i have individual pictures of J.D. and I but nothing just of "T", Evie, and Melissa on this blog. We'll start with Melissa, she would probably say she doesn't like this picture of her, of course she would say that about every picture that i take of her, but i like this picture!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pick you favorite name!

Okay, there is a poll to the right of names Melissa and I have chosen, Please pick your favorite, when the poll closes we will let you know, no guarantees we will pick that name, we just want to see what everyone thinks!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Good Morning!

Okay, so i am sitting here early in the morning contemplating life and "Pacman" and reflecting back to almost a year ago, actually first part of October and recalled landing on my face and twitching on the ground, i don't actually remember this of course, but i sure remember the way i looked when it was over. Most out there have probably not seen the picture, it was included in the Christmas video card that we made last year, but due to some computer problems most people didn't get to see it, so here the picture is. It was real fun, you'll notice i hit my nose pretty hard, i had scratches on my face and a pretty good rug burn, and a chipped tooth. This was the first seizure i have had in about 5 years. Hopefully the last. my coworker who saw it happened, said she couldn't eat for days, it scarred her so much. I'm glad i can have that kind of affect on people!

We are planning on going to the state fair today, we have about enough money to get into the place and have something to eat. Financially we are a far cry from where we where last year, the mortgage payment is killing us, although if we could get rid of Melissa's school bill it would help tremendously, it just won't go away. We should have fun today though, everyone will be there except Brian and my Dad.

The saga with my parents seems never ending, but this too shall pass, If you don't know what i am talking about, then you probably shouldn't know, so no offence but don't ask!

So back again to the baby, what are we going to name the kid, who knows, no decision has been made, we throw out names all the time, but we get mostly frustrated (i say we but i really mean she, don't tell her that!) we just can't agree on anything If only this was a girl!

And so in the Immortal words of ABBA (and no i don't mean Give me, Give me, Give me a man after midnight!) "Don't know how to take it, don't know where to go, my resistance running low, and everyday the hold is getting tighter and it troubles me so, you know that i am nobodies fool, and yet it's clear to me, i don't have a strategy, it's just like taking candy from a baby and i think i must be Under Attack, I'm being taken, about to crack, defenses breaking, won't somebody please have a heart, come and rescue me now cause i am falling apart."

Some of that's true for me, some not, you decide! (i wish i could write something so profound!)

Monday, September 1, 2008


We went camping Saturday morning, we had fun, but had to come home early, we knew it was supposed to storm Sunday night, however when we woke up Sunday morning in a downpour, we knew it was time to come home. Good thing too, we had someone come through our camp aria, and told us that there where 2 storm fronts that where going to colide together over where we where camping, we would have been camping in the snow and as bad as the roads where in dry conditions, we probably wouldn't have gotten out. We would have lasted a few days, but then we would have had to decide who to eat first! We joked about it some, through out a few names, but never could commit to who would be the first one, sad fact is, i am probably the biggest, so i would have probably been the first to go. morbid thought though. melissa probably wouldn't have minded, she could collect on the insurance, pay off the house, and provided she didn't quit her work, she probably would have been set for the rest of here life.

Can you imagine what the Donner-Reed Party had to go through to reach that point? YUCK

Well anyways, we got home and had to pull out all the tents to dry them off, and concidered camping another night in my mothers backyard, it didn't happen, another storm came through. we where rushing to get the tents taken down just so they wouldn't get blown away.

We must have been tired from all of this, here it is about 8:30 am and i am the only one up, and i was even up a hour later then normal, Think goodness it is a holiday, i would never have made it to work today!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I can't sleep!

It's about 5:50 am, I can't sleep and my stomach hurts, oh well, i would probably be up in a hour, whether or not i wanted to be. I have the day off, so i can take a nap later anyways. Melissa didn't take the day off, and we have a baby sitter that expects payment whether she watches our kids or not, so i am home alone today, fine with me, i am getting burned out with work, and any excuse to not have to be there i will take.

We'll we are still unsuccessful in finding a name for the baby, we still have a few votes for SCULLY, but Melissa still isn't on board yet. As far as another name, we can't seem to settle on anything else. We have tried family names, which we have done with the other 3, but nothing seems to work for us. Like i said we are open for suggestions.

We celebrated out 10th anniversary last Thursday, nothing spectacular, we went up to park city and had lunch at the Baja Cantina, we spent a couple of nights in Park City on our honeymoon, and the Baja Cantina was one of the places we ate at. then we came back down to the valley and wen and saw the new mummy movie, it was pretty good. We then came home and watched movies with our kids, sounds fund doesn't it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our baby's name

Okay I get it, i have been seriously outvoted with the name Scully, this doesn't necessarily mean i have changed my mind, but we are now going to have to back to the drawing board. Do you have any idea how hard it is for us to come up with a boy's name? we spent hours and hours trying to come up with J.D.'s name, and now we are back at it again, if only this had been a girl, we already had the name picked out. Not that we aren't happy with a boy, we are happy that the baby is healthy, in fact the person who did the ultrasound said that it was textbook, meaning nothing was wrong. Anyways we are open for suggestions, let us know!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The name Scully

Okay, i have met some resistance to the name Scully! Yes i like the name because it is the name of a character from my favorite T.V. show "The X-Files", but if you think it's a girls name, you are sadly mistaken. we checked it out, it is a boys name. we did some research on the meaning and origins of different names and this is what we came up with

Ethan is a boys name, it's Hebrew and means "Strong"
Scully is a BOYS name, it's Gaelic and means "Town Crier"
Wyatt is a boys name, it's English and means "Guide"

If you don't believe me check the web site out!

We have also toyed with other first names too, Benjamin and Samuel has been discussed. Any other boys names you like let us know.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We think we have decided on the name Ethan Scully Wyatt, Melissa is struggling with Scully but i will bring her around!
As Promised here are some pictures, they are a little hard to see, but the baby is in there!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thursday 8-07-08

This Thursday we will have a update to the status of the baby, we will know the sex and hopefull have a picture.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

J.D.'s 3rd birthday

J.D. is 3, Crazy huh! we have a 7 pushing 8 year old, and 6 year old and now a 3 year old. J.D. is so much fun to have around, he is a very happy boy, and very smart too. most of the presents he received are very educational, he is very smart for his age, he knows his numbers and letters, he is working on his colors as well, and he has started sounding out words. he read his first word the other day, he spelled i c e, and then with a surprise in his voice he said that it spelled ice!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here's the most recent ultrasound pictures, i know ultrasounds are hard enough to see as it is, and then i throw it on a blog, which can make it worse. However if you look hard enough you can see arms and legs that have formed.

The morning sickness for the most part has gone away. now Melissa is dealing with back problems. which we went through with the other kids, but i guess that's just par for the cource.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's a Baby!!!

Melissa hasn't been rushing to the bathroom, and gaging every time se turns around, because she's sick!

The baby is due 12-20-08

Check with us before telling anyone else.

Check back occasionally we will have updates as we go!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


yeah for "T" he turned 6 a couple of days ago.

Timothy got alot of presents, for his birthday, but by the time Evie got done with them, half of them got broken, No surprises. He loves his transformer we bought him, but us children of the '80's are quite disappointed with it, back in the day so to speak, there where real transformers, none of this cheap plastic stuff. "T" doesn't seem to care though.

Timothy tried telling me something tonight, but as usual, he mumbled his way through it, i asked him what he said, and then he threw a temper tantrum (no surprises there either) so he went to time out. I think he likes it there, or at least he spends alot of time there, but so does his brother and sister.

But life as we know it is pretty good, alot of family drama, but what are you gonna do!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back from Disneyland

We're back!!!

We had a blast, we we got to the hotel, they upgraded our room, if you looked left from our patio you could see right into the california adventure park. We have never been upgraded before, it costs us a ton of money just to look at the otherside of the hotel! this time for the same price we saw right into the park.

We had fun, we met Mickey, Minnie, Pooh Bear, Eyore, Captain Hook, Captain Jack Sparrow, Pluto, Goofy and on and on and on.

Melissa and i had to ride alone on Indiana Jones, as the 3 kids whern't tall enough, and there where a couple of rides we didn't get on because of that as well, but overall the older 2 where able to get on most of the rides, so we could swap off with J.D. J.D. is tall enough to ride on the Matterhorn, we wheren't sure at first if he liked it, but it seemed later that he had quite a bit of fun on it.

Maybe we will get some pictures on here soon of Disneyland, but in the mean time, we are dreaming of the next time we can, hopefully next year, i know we probably spend to much time there, but it's worth all the memories (and the weight from eating to much) to keep going back.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Disneyland 2008

We leave for Disnyland tommorow, we can't wait, we leave at 6 am, and will be eating breakfast in the park, exciting huh! Of cource "T" we will have to hit Pirates first, we can't wait, a week away from work and life as we know it, to just enjoy ourselves and our family.

We'll take plenty of pictures and see if we can't put them here for all too see!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Our first blog

Anyone wondering "The anguish of humiliation" comes from a ABBA song called "The Visitors" Check it out, we like it.