This car came into this world in 1995
I brought it home in 1997
It moved from Murray to Midvale, Magna, then Taylorsville. and now to a new home, whoever the Kidney foundation sells it too.
This car drove melissa and i down to Moab, and the 4 corners, then took us to disneyland on our honeymoon, where i darn near wrecked it, because i was falling asleep, but of course i was wide awake when Melissa was driving because she is a scary driver.
One day we where driving over Guardmans pass and the hubcap fell off the car and went spinning into the woods. we never did find it!
Then there was the time that some idiot hit us in vernal, and took the bumper clean off. the guy blamed us. thankfully the cop wasn't a idiot and told the guy that it was his fault.
Then there was the time when my brother Neil broke the rear view mirror off, the window cracked and we had to buy a new one, thanks a lot Neil!
What about the time when we are loading up the car and Evie said Dad the car's not going to start today, and it didn't!
I think one song sums up what we think of this car. at least most of the song, which i won't repeat here.
We've been through some things together
With trunks of memories still to come
We found things to do in stormy weather.
Long may you run
Long my you run
Long may you run
Although these changes have come
with your chrome heart shining in the sun
long may you run