I used to be so skinny I weighed about 130 my entire mission, Melissa fattened me up pretty good. Anyone who doesn't know i served in the North Carolina Raleigh Mission from 11-1994 to 11-1996
Recently I started going through all of my missionary stuff, Journals pictures etc.I have been trying to get everything put on the computer, my journal is done, many of things i got on my mission such as my missionary call, all of the letters I have ever received, I even have most of my bank statements, it's interesting to see how I somehow managed to live off of $155.00 a month, I still haven't tracked down my blue weekly day planners, I kept every last one of them. I intend to get those on the computer too.
Lately I have been focused on scanning my pictures into the computer. Who knows how many pictures I took, more then i probably should have, My camera went just as many places as one of the blue Book of Mormons did when I went out, which basically means everywhere. As of right now I haven't finished scanning but here are a few of my favorites. The plan is to eventually get a movie made, I should start that soon.

This is of course me, Danny Gaytan who I baptised, Rosalinda Gaytan his wife and Elder Hopper

Elder Hopper ended up being my favorite companion, not sure why really we just got along very well, Elder Hopper came from a cowboy background, so of course that came with him on his mission, I remember walking down the road one day, a car drove by, and they flipped us off, next thing I know Elder Hopper has his hand in the air returning the favor, not exactly appropriate for a missionary but funny anyways!

Day at the Ocean!

Zone or district i don't remember, I only remember about half there names, Starting Back Row-?, Elder White, ?, Elder Cole, ?, Middle Row- Elder Pettey, Elder Long, Elder Wyatt, Elder Hopper, Elder Galbraith, Elder Adams and Bottom Row-?, ?, ?.

I Just can't get any privacy! Oh well when you gotta go you gotta go!

These where all taken when i was in the Swansboro/Jacksonville aria i was there the longest about 7 months and i have a ton of pictures from there, about 200 scanned so far, and I'm not done yet. it was one of my favorite arias, and very pretty. Swansboro was right along the waterways on the east side of North Carolina.
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