Caught my eye, so shy. Saw your face by mine. Took my hand for time. and beyond, sublime. So I say with you, our prayers to thee, and we set our sites right here on bended knee.
For the sake of my dreams, for the sake of my life, for the sake of the way I feel inside. For the sake of the sun, shining out in the sky. For the sake of the stars swarming round the heavens on a charger of light. Call it the simple things, that own my heart, and clear my eyes, and show the way i feel. Inside.
Caught your smile, so kind, we go on. restore, relieve, revive, redeem, we fly.
For the sake of the woman that I kissed at the alter in the house of the Lord.
-Chris Heimerdinger
It's been almost 15 years since you left us Grandma. We miss you and we know we will see you again.

I've seen it on your face... so now we go separate ways, never again.... nothing i can do do.
I watched you walk away. Tell me is it really so hard to say. This has been my longest day, sitting here close to you. Knowing that... tonight where through.
Like an image passing by, my love, my life. In the mirror of your eyes, my love my life. I can see it all so clearly, and so insincerely. Was it a dream, my life. Like reflections of your light, my love my life, all the words you tried to find, my love, my life. but i know I don't possess you, so go away God bless you...
Dad, Mom will always love you, but thank you for letting her move on, it was time.

If I wrote a pop song, that topped the charts, and everyone sang it with all there hearts, and it rocked on for 20 years at number 1. I'd say it's the 2nd greatest thing I've ever done.
If I wrote a sermon, like the one on the mount, if I had billions in my account. If I cured cancer, and a Nobel prize was won. I'd say it's the second greatest thing I've ever done.
Cause i loved her, i kept my promise, i loved her no matter what. and she'll always be the only one. i am not a perfect husband, but my heart was never shut. Loving hers the greatest thing I've ever done.
-Michael McLean
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Your mother is a special woman! I'll do whatever it takes to keep her happy in this new adventure. Let the forgivness be real and true and let the healing begin with my #1 Son! I truely miss you all. :D
Lovely heartfelt post.
Very nice :)
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