A couple of weeks ago
Timothy and Evie decided to get
into a biting fight.
Timothy and Evie decided to get
into a biting fight.
In my opinion Timothy won,
you should have seen the bruise on Evie's back.
you should have seen the bruise on Evie's back.
When we found out was happening,
we had them both come sit on the couch
we had them both come sit on the couch
and explain what happened.
Timothy started crying which is normal, but he
Timothy started crying which is normal, but he
proceeded to tell the truth to us.

When we asked Evie to explain what happened,
she started to freak out,
you would have thought that she was possessed,
it was that bad.
So being the loving parents that we are
we decided to take some pictures!
she started to freak out,
you would have thought that she was possessed,
it was that bad.
So being the loving parents that we are
we decided to take some pictures!

Due to this poor behavior we decided, since nothing else seemed to work, to have Evie write a report on being obedient and showing her love to others. and that she would remain grounded to it was completed. Her requirements where to do a rough draft first, then do a final draft, then type it up, then she had to read it in front of the entire family. When she completed this task, she read it at Uncle Neil's birthday party. She did a good job. I told her after it was done I would place it on the blog to see what everyone else thinks. She didn't object to this so here it is.
Showing Obedience and Love
By: Evie Wyatt
On Memorial Day I was disobedient. I should be kind to my Family.
Here is a scripture about children, Geneses 30:1 "And when Rachel saw that she could bear no children, she envied her sister, And said unto Jacob, give me a child or else i will die" this tells you that Rachel had no children so we children must be greatful and kind.
I was also having biting problems earlier in the month. I am going to use self-control to calm myself. If someone makes me mad I will take a deep breath and have a talk about it.
At Brittney's (or babysitter) house I was disobedient. I need to control my violence better. I should love Britteny and her house better.
I also had a screem fit. I need self-control to deal with that.
I need to be obedient more often. It will change my life. The self-control will help me alot. I don't want to be punished like this ever again.
Here are a few scriptures about obedience:
Exodus 20:12
"Honor thy Father and thy Mother! That thy days will be long upon the land which the Lord they God giveth thee."
Ephesians 6:1
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: which is the first commandment with promise. That it maybe well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And fatheres provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nuture and admonition of the Lord."
John 13:34-35
"A new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another as I have loved you, love on another. By this all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another."
I promise to be obedient and loving. I am not going to steal or lie, or be mean. I will show my love by giving hugs and smiling, and smiling when Grandma winks, and saying I love you, and doing a Christmas Jig whenever Dad asks.
Good job Evie, we love you!!!
And in the immortal words of Michael McLean:
"All my life I have dreamed of the day when the children would see and would feel something honest and real, in a place, in one precious place we all call home. This is a place we need to honor, this is the place that we should save, this is a place we should not alter, this is a place we must not trade. The greatest gifts we give our children are not the things our money makes. Give them the world, give them a treasure so they can have memories of this place."
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