About a week ago I found some old pictures and threw them on facebook. For some reason these two pictures just caught every ones attention. I had a lot of comments that I wanted to share on my blog.

Brian Wyatt:What a happy looking bunch!
Lorrina Heisey:Must have been a great Christmas! The excitement is overwhelming!
L Tim Wyatt II:yeah i think my mom made us take the picture, which explains why she doesn't look thrilled either!
Robert Wyatt:Well I know in my case, this picture was taken in the early 90's. That was when I thought smiling for the camera wasn't 'cool'.
Alex Dixon:Im pretty sure Brian Just farted to piss you all off. Hes the only one thats smiling.
Brian Wyatt:Ha. That's usually the case!
Tim Wyatt:I was smiling subconsciously
Alex Dixon:It looks like you reached Nirvana, or you was just really stoned. Hey Brians farts do that you know. Im pretty sure brians fart just got the whole lot of you stoned, except Robert. He was just an angry little boy cause Niel stole his rocken hat.
Neil Wyatt:Can I just say, this is another in a very long line of awful, forced family pictures! UGH! i was hideous back then!!!
Sherry Burkhardt-Wyatt:I agree Neil! But we keep trying..
Sherry Burkhardt-Wyatt:Yeah Alex, that,s the Wyatt Way (One good fart)..
Sherry Burkhardt-Wyatt:You were not hideous Neil...
Eleisha Irving Villarreal:Awe look how cute and normal Brian
Brian Wyatt:And how abnormal everyone else looks.
Sherry Burkhardt-Wyatt:Da Yeah!!!!
Alex Dixon:Brian is just puttin on a front you guys... I can see right through his Halo. The horns are holding it up.

Leslie Wyatt Heisey:How did you get Gene Shallot to pose with you?
Neil Wyatt:At least I look a little better in this picture! Once again however, aweful picture!!!
L Tim Wyatt II:what about me, i was so fat, at least i can blame medication on this one!
Sherry Burkhardt-Wyatt:Andrea and Melissa,the kids and the pets look great. The rest of us, I don,t know... Ha Ha.. (The Wyatt Fam Damly)
Sherry Burkhardt-Wyatt:Gene Shallot/Wyatt...Their ya go!!!
Eleisha Irving Villarreal:Oh look it's Rocky!!
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