An Invitation
The honor of your presence is requested for halloween Weekend at the Castle Von Morgue, in Deadbolt, Translyvania.
A Late night buffet will be service at the witching hour on all hallow's eve, in honor of the Engagement of Neville Aster-Night and Lizzie Bordeux.
Unfortunately Neville has turned up dead.
The list of suspects are
The Mummy of King Aldrinktotat
(didn't have a picture)
Three thousand years in a tomb can really cramp your style, so when he was uncovered 20 years ago, the Mummy left Egypt and has never gone back. Since then he has stalked the globe painting the world red in search of a good time. Madness, mayhem and wanton destruction often follow in his wake because, hey, this bag of bones knows how to party. Always well dressed in designer linen strips, the Mummy is welcome in in hotspots everywhere. He is also a celebrated author, his self-help book Life begins at 3,000 was on the best seller list for years. True he has incredibly dry skin, but the babes don't seem to mind that he's a little bit flaky.

Aretha Garlique
The effervescent Aretha Garlique is renowned the world over as a flamboyant clairvoyant, able to speak to departed souls over the ethernet. She has done seances for royalty and heads of state and has aided the FBI and Scotland Yard in tracking down murderers by contacting the dead themselves to get eyewitness accounts. She's channeled hundreds of men from Elvis to Alexander the Great, Who, after having him, turned out to not be so great after all. Because of her supernatural powers, she is feared and hated by the undead, which is why she always wears garlic around her neck. The proper way to address her is Madame Garlique.
Hannibal Schecter
Hannibal Schecter is the world's only documented kosher cannibal. It all began several years ago after he heard that unforgettable lyric by Balihi, some enchanted evening you may eat a stranger.": Hannibal did precisely that and hasn't stopped since. Following the strict dietary laws of his faith has always been a challenge for the hypnotically charming man eater especially because most of the people who deserve to be eaten and are either swine or bottom feeds and therefore off limits. Still, he's made do, and has risen to the occasion in high style. Always dressed at the height of classic fashion, Hannibal can often be seen escorting tasty beauties to funerals, wakes and other society functions. Not surprisingly those beauties are rarely heard from again.

Glumda, The Wicked Witch of DePressed
Glumda comes from the armpit of OZ; a place far from the glamour of the Emerald City. In her mountainside village of DePressed, the scarecrows won't dance, the lions won't sing and even the munckins are in therapy. Always jealous of the other more prosperous enchantress, the Witch spends much of her days casting spells of mischief to pass the time. She rarely leaves her remote fortress except to engage in her hobby of mile high acrobatics on her brook. Feared and respected, Glumda is a statuesque woman with a piercing gaze, pale green, complexion, and fingernails that could gut a grouper with a single thrust.

Asthmadeus, The Prince of Dimness
The younger brother of the Prince of Darkness was never cut oft for life in Heck. For one thing his chronic respiratory condition simply can't handle the heat, and secondly, he's deathly afraid of the dark. In fact, He's rumored to sleep with a nightlight in his cavern - hence he has been dubbed "The Prince of Dimness" Of course that's not the only reason for the title. The junior Prince has never been accused of being the brightest flame in purgatory - but what he lacks in brains, he makes up for in boyish good looks. Well versed in all forms of decadence, the Prince spends his life Part-hopping the world in his silver Rolls Royce (his brother got the gold one) Often seen with his close friend and confidant, Balihi, the two have been known to cruise the crypts for undead babes.
Lizzie Bordeaux
This gothic and enigmatic woman hails from the south of France. Rumors that she hacked her parents apart with a ax as a child are all unsubstantiated. Besides the murders happened while her parents were on vacation in Texas and the weapon was a chainsaw. Regardless, Lizzie has had to fend for herself since her youth and learned the cutthroat ways of buisness. A sharp and incisive woman, and never one to mince word, she's caved herself out a slice of the Transylvanian dream,. Now, she's the respected owner of the Motel California and is engaged to dDeadbolt's leading citizen, Nevill Aster-Night.

Angela Deth, DDS
It is believed that early man's leading cause of death was dental trouble, and Dr. Angela Deth wants to bring back the good old days. This beautiful dentist is famous for putting her patients under - six fee under, that is. The vivacious Dr. Deth earned the admiration of ghoul kind when she perfected the Intergenerationl Root Canal. Although she was given the electric chair several years ago, she was mysteriously saved at the last instant by a blackout and escaped before the power came back on. Now she roams the world, performing random acts dentistry on poor unsuspecting citizens. Angela's favorite patient is the Mummy of King Aldrinktothat, whose 3,000-year-old teeth are a psychotic dentist's dream.
Balihi, The Rogersandhammerstein Monster
Constructed from body parts of various and sundry individuals, Balihi is a little bit country and a little bit rock-and-roll-but mostly musical theater. Within weeks of his reanimation, he was accepted to Julliard, received a degree in decomposition, and has been know to terrorize hapless villagers with smarmy show tunes until there brains explode. His works include "Graveside Story" "Eternally Damned Yankees" and "Cats" balihi is quite the ladies-monster: women adore his stylish, diamond-stud neck bolts and level head. While many women have tried to nail him down in marriage, he always broke loose before vows were exchanged.

But is Neville really dead?
If he is Hannibal did it
He failed to show up for the group shot, he got the wrong heart ooops.
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