Okay so Yesterday morning we found out Evie had stayed up late so that she could read. While we are grateful she loves reading, what concerned us was that she stayed up late.

When asked what she did, Evie proceeded to freak out. yelling, screaming, running away, etc. When she went up to her bathroom to do her hair, she kept saying that we hated her.She does this on occasion.
Well as punishment for doing this, we made Evie write a list of the things that Mom & Dad do for her that show's they love her. This is her list.
2. Bed
3. Room
4. Blankets
5. Pillow
6. Roof over my Head
7. Food
8. Let's me stay up on weekends (unless grounded)
9. Treats
10. Sometimes Mom lets me have a headgear free night
11. Let's me join the School choir
12. Lets me keep school art project
13. Wants me to have a pretty smile
14. Let's me listen to music
15. Let's me color
16. Let's me draw
17. Helps me with homework
18. Lets me have a chance to win a marble jar
19. Water
20. Love
21. When sick, comforts me
22. Comfort
23. Give me medicine when sick
24. Mom makes my teeth sparkle
25. Juice/Mild
26 Encourages me to do good on schoolwork or this.

After this list was completed we got this smile. Hopefully she does realise that she is loved!
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